Products of Conception (POC) Chromosome Analysis

Indications For Products of Conception
Miscarriage or fetal demise coupled with:

  • Advanced maternal age (>35 years of age)
  • Previous pregnancy with chromosomal abnormality
  • Recurrent spontaneous miscarriage
  • Family history of a chromosomal abnormality
  • Abnormal maternal serum screening results
  • Abnormal ultrasound findings

Collection Procedure
DO NOT handle tissues. Sterility is critical to obtaining a result. Send sample in original collection container or transfer to a sterile screw top container and fill with sterile transport medium (DO NOT ADD FORMALIN), label with patient’s name and date of birth. A completed test requisition form must be included with every sample. Please call for the required transport kit or to verify proper transport medium.

Specimen Requirements
Fetal tissues, placental (CVS)

Specimen Container
DO NOT handle samples. Send in original collection container or a sterile screw-cap container containing transport medium. Call client services for transport media (888-436-3633).

Label tube with patient’s name and date of birth. A completed test requisition form must be included with every sample. A transport kit is available upon request.

Transport Temperature
Room temperature (DO NOT refrigerate, freeze or centrifuge)

Laboratory Testing of Products of Conception (POC) involves culturing of fetal tissues to identify both numerical and structural chromosome abnormalities

Causes for Rejection
Frozen specimen, no fetal tissue, inappropriate container (containing formalin), gross contamination

Turnaround Time
7-14 days