Assure™ SNP Microarray utilizes a high-resolution single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) analysis for the detection chromosomal alterations. This permits for accurate detection of both large genome copy-number changes and individual genes associated with cancer. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are especially suitable for Assure™ SNP Microarray analysis because of the high incidence of dosage-related clonal changes that have been proven to have an influence on patient outcomes. Assure™ SNP Microarray detects copy number aberrations seen by karyotype and FISH. Additionally, it provides faster, higher-resolution results than standard karyotyping and can help detect clinically significant cryptic aberrations that common FISH panels may not target. Assure™ SNP Microarray quickly identifies copy number changes in hematologic malignancies with a single study.
Specimen Requirements
3-5 cc of blood collected in a lavender top (EDTA) tube. It is a New York state requirement that chromosome analysis be performed prior to or concurrently with postnatal microarray analysis. Therefore, send 1 green top tube (sodium heparin) with 3-5 cc of blood if both chromosome and microarray analyses are requested.
Specimen Container
Whole Blood Green top (sodium heparin) tubes
Label tube with patient’s name and date of birth. A completed test requisition form must be included with every sample. A transport kit is available upon request.
SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) microarray analysis utilizing more than 2.6 million copy and allele specific genomic sites. SNP analysis can detect copy neutral changes including uniparental disomy (UPD) and areas of homozygosity suggestive of consanguinity. Abnormal results are confirmed with Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization (FISH analysis).
Transport Temperature
Room temperature (DO NOT refrigerate, freeze, or centrifuge).
Causes for Rejection
Frozen specimen, inappropriate container
Turnaround Time
10-14 days